Besides some of the following ingredients, the product contains Dr Gurpreet Singh Makkar(punjab,India), Research based, highly effective medicines.
The following homoeopathic medicines may prove beneficial: Ammonium phosphoricum, Antimonium crud, Arnica, Benzoic acid, Bryonia, Colchicum, Guaiacum, Ledum, Lycopodium, Picric acid, Rhododendron, Etc.
Ammonium phosphoricum
Arthritis with nodosities in the joints with deposits of urate of soda concretions in the joints and the hands become twisted out of shape.
Antimonium crud
Arthritis, gouty nodes in the joints with thick milky white coating on the tongue. Alternate diarrhea and constipation.
Arthritis, patient cannot bear to have the parts touched or to have anyone come near him as this fear that the part my be hit by anyone passing; it has also arthritic pains in the foot, worse towards evening; and a red big toe joint which feels as though it has been sprained.
Benzoic acid
Gout with highly colored urine which is very offensive. Pain and swelling in knees. Joints crack on motion.
Arthritis with, Knees stiff and painful. Hot swelling of feet. Joints, red, swollen, hot, with stiches and tearing, worse on least movement.
Useful in gout where the swelling is red or pale, with extreme tenderness to touch, a tendency to shift about from joint to joint, and pains which are worse on the slightest motion It is more indicated when the smaller joints, fingers, toes, wrists and ankles are affected; the pains are very violent, patient cannot bear to have the parts touched or to have anyone come near him.
Gouty nodosities in the joints This remedy has tearing pains in the extremities and contractions ;of the muscles. It is also especially useful for gouty inflammation affecting the knee joint.
Gout, ball of the great toe is swollen, sore and painful on stepping, drawing pains worse from warmth, pressure and from motion. It has also gouty nodosities in the joints, hot swelling of the hip joint with general chilliness and lack of animal heat. All the pains of Ledum travel upwards.
Arthritis, pain worse at night or at rest. Red sand in the urine. Chronic gout, with chalky deposits in joints
Picric acid
Very useful in arthritis deformans.
Arthritis with enlargements of the joints not due to gouty deposits, worse during rest and on approach of a storm.
Homeopathic Herbal Tips are idea to help people to recognize potential of homeopathic medicines.None of Homeopathic medicine should be used without consent of Qualified Physician.You can take medicine from professionally Qualified physician after full case taking for more detail please follow link .