Bronchitis of infants and old people; profuse mucus with feeble expulsive power; rattling of phlegm in chest, with increased irritability to cough; sudden and alarming symptoms of suffocation, with oppression and orthopnoea, so that he has to sit up; fits of suffocation mornings and evenings in bed; cough after midnight so that he throws up his supper;l adynamia of old people; stupor from bloodpoisoning; tendency to diarrhoea; hopeless and desponding.
Violent, racking cough, especially at night, pain in the throat and head, but he is obliged to swallow the sputum; it comes up apparently with cough, but it cannot be spat out; greasy taste of the sputa; cough after getting warm in bed, or after recovering the natural heart from a colder state; cough, with pain in hip; COUGH IMMEDIATELY RELIEVED BY A COLD DRINK; spurting of urine with the cough; he cannot cough deep enough to get relief; weakness of lower extremities; morning hoarseness.
Drosera [Dros]
Bronchitis of old age, in connection with emphysema or bronchiectasis; nocturnal paroxysms; (<) from lying down; the cough seems to come from the abdomen; shaking all the muscles of the chest and body, with much exhaustion after the attack; expectoration of yellow mucus or pus; paroxysms of cough, from one to two hours apart; (<) at night, especially in spring and fall; perspires immediately on waking from sleep.
Chronic bronchitis and bronchorrhoea, with tough-white, mucous expectoration, difficult to detach; accumulation of mucus in the bronchioles; patients feels that expectoration brings relief; cough from reflex causes; cough maintained by habit.
Gummi amm BRONCHORRHOEA. Respiration short, quick, with anguish, especially at night; oppression and obstruction in the chest from the accumulation of mucus; stitches in the left side of the chest when taking a deep inspiration; tickling in throat without cough; frontal headache, dimness of sight; in rheumatic or gouty subjects.
Dry cough, as if excited by a dry membrane in the trachea, which cannot be detached; slimy, salty, tenacious expectoration; cough evening and (<) after 3 A.M., from eating and drinking, with pain in lower part of chest; violent cough, but the dislodged mucus MUST BE SWALLOWED OR FLIES UNEXPECTEDLY FROM THE MOUTH AFTER LONG COUGHING; dry skin and dry stool; eyelids red and swollen, especially between brows and upper lids.