Coconut Oil
Take a teaspoon of virgin coconut oil and massage gently over the affected area. Leave it on and allow the skin to absorb completely. Apply coconut oil twice daily.
Coconut oil has excellent anti-microbial and anti-inflammatory properties and it also helps in keeping the skin moisturised. These properties of coconut oil not only help to treat cellulitis infection but also prevent its recurrence.
Tea Tree Oil
Add 2 drops of tea tree oil to a tablespoon of coconut oil and mix these oils well. Gently apply this mixture on the affected area. Leave it on for at least 2-3 hours and then wash it off with water. Apply this mixture twice daily on the affected area.
Tea tree oil has anti-inflammatory as well as anti-microbial properties so it is very beneficial in treating cellulitis. The anti-inflammatory properties of tea tree oil also help in reducing the swelling and redness in the affected area.
Take 2-3 cloves of garlic and mince the garlic cloves to form a thick paste. Apply this paste directly to the affected areas and leave it for a couple of hours and then wash off with water. Garlic can be chewed daily to fight cellulitis infection from within.
The major constituent of garlic is allicin which is known for its exceptional anti-microbial properties. These anti-microbial properties help to prevent further infections as well and also help to reduce the swelling and pain associated with cellulitis infection.
Take 1 teaspoon of turmeric powder, 2-3 drops of tea tree oil and 1 tablespoon of honey. Mix all these ingredients in a bowl. Apply this mixture to the affected areas. Leave it on for 15-20 minutes and then wash the area with lukewarm water.
Turmeric possesses anti-microbial and anti-inflammatory properties due to the presence of curcumin in it. The medicinal properties of turmeric combined with honey which has healing properties is one of the best home remedies for cellulitis infection.
Epsom Salt Bath
Add a cup of Epsom salt to the bathwater and soak in it for 15-20 minutes and do this remedy on an alternate day.
The magnesium present in the Epsom salt helps in reducing the inflammation, swelling and pain associated with cellulites infection.
Manuka oil honey
Manuka oil honey are proven in scientific studies to be strongly antibacterial, antifungal, and anti-inflammatory, providing effective natural protection against Cellulitis infection.
To prevent cellulitis:
Use good personal hygiene.
Wash hands often.
Apply lotion to dry, cracked skin.
Use gloves when cuts and scrapes may happen.
Wear protective footwear.
If skin breaks happen, keep the area clean and use an over-the-counter antibiotic ointment. Watch for signs of infection. If you have diabetes, visually check your feet for signs of skin breaks or infection.