Arnica- One of the best homeopathic medicines Pain worse during movement with sore bruised feeling.
This is the first remedy we think of for trauma and ailments from overexertion. It reduces swelling and bruising, and takes away a great deal of the pain. The patient who needs arnica feels the pain severely—and is so sensitive and frightened of increasing the pain they will pull away from any possibility of the affected part being touched. Letting the limbs hang down ameliorates the pain, while movement aggravates it. The patient will feel a tearing pain at the maleolus and ankle. The ankle will feel lame and weak, with lots of purple discolouration.
Ruta graveolens: We think of this remedy if tendons or ligaments are overworked or strained, causing an inflammatory process. Ruta’s sphere of action focuses on cartilagenous tissue. There is stiffness, lameness, and paralysis in the case which needs Ruta, and the joint pain may be described as though the affected area has been smashed. Patients also experience a pulsation around the injured joint.
Bryonia- One of the best homeopathy medicines Stitching pain of Enthesitis motion aggravate all problems.
Painful stiffness in nape of neck. Stiches and tearing; worse on least movement. Knees stiff and painful. Every spot is painful on pressure .
Look for stitching or aching pains, with stitching pains felt at the outer lateral malleolus moving to the fibula. If the sensation is sore, or bruised, think of Bryonia. The slightest motion or pressure can aggravate the pain, but even activities such as stepping, walking, or sitting can aggravate the condition.
Rhus Tox- One of the best homeopathic remedies Rainy season aggravte Enthesitis with amelioration from warmth and motion
Pains tearing tendons ligament and fascia .Soreness of condyles of bone . Better by continuous motion. Numbness and formication from overwork .Tenderness of knee joint loss of power in forearm and fingers. We find signs of an inflammatory process to alert us to the need for this remedy, causing the ankle to be itchy, with pain in tonic spasms. Lameness, weakness of the joint, and swelling (especially after a period of sitting) may add to the stiffness that is frequently described. Painful ulcers and reddish discolouration are also typical signs of this remedy.Rhus toxicodendron: We find signs of an inflammatory process to alert us to the need for this remedy, causing the ankle to be itchy, with pain in tonic spasms. Lameness, weakness of the joint, and swelling (especially after a period of sitting) may add to the stiffness that is frequently described. Painful ulcers and reddish discolouration are also typical signs of this remedy.
Sulphur is one of the top Homoeopathic medicines for Enthesitis Varices at the ankles
Herpes in the area of the ankle, itching of the right ankle in the evening. Moving the joint or walking may produce cracking within the joint and it may feel weak during the night. Walking aggravates the weakness of the ankle. The lower limbs feel tired and heavy. Stiffness of the ankle improves with exercise. During the night, the patient experiences a sensation of numbness or insensibility. Varices at the ankles are a rare symptom, but one that is particular to Sulphur.
RUTA GRAVEOLENS for Enthesitis due to Tendon Strain
We think of this remedy if tendons or ligaments are overworked or strained, causing an inflammatory process. Ruta’s sphere of action focuses on cartilagenous tissue. There is stiffness, lameness, and paralysis in the case which needs Ruta, and the joint pain may be described as though the affected area has been smashed. Patients also experience a pulsation around the injured joint.