Homeopathic medicines for filariasis
Some of the most important homeopathic remedies that are helpful in treating filariasis are listed below. The symptoms mentioned under each remedy prompt the homeopathic physician to choose the said remedy.
Anacardium Orientale
Anacardium orientale works well in absent-minded people who feel that they are controlled by two wills, one of which commands the person to do what the other forbids. Memory loss and confusion
A sensation of a band or plug around different parts of the body, especially the anus.
It is an efficacious remedy for elephantiasis with the following characteristics.Thickened skin; lichen planus .Itchy rashes around the knees that extend up to the calves.Vesicular eruptions on skin along with intense itching and swelling.A burning sensation in legs and the soles of the feet.Muscle cramps with painful contractions in joints.Symptoms worsen by applying hot water and improve on lying on a side and while eating.
Apis Mellifica
Apis mellifica is an excellent remedy for lymphangitis. It is indicated in those suffering from Enlarged and hardened glands.Swelling, puffiness, redness, stinging pains like bee strings and soreness of the affected parts of the body.Oedema in the area of the right groin area especially ,Swelling and enlargement of limbs.
Stiffness of feet.Swelling of genital region in women with stinging pains.Itching with red, burning rash on the skin.Symptoms worsen with touch or application of pressure, with warm and closed places and the person feels better by cold applications and in open air.
Arsenicum Album
Anxiety, especially about health characteristic extreme restessness mental & physical.Swelling and pain in the genitals; swollen testes and inflammation of the scrotum.Weight loss and anaemia.Extreme restlessness .Weakness and exhaustion with the slightest exertion.Thirst for small quantities of water at short intervals
Dry, scaly skin with an itchy, burning rash that worsens with cold and scratching.Pustules and ulcers on the skin that release offensive fluids.Swollen feet.Burning pain and ulcers on the heels.Symptoms usually worsen at night and in cold air and get better with warmth.
Graphites works on the lymphatic system and skin. It is usually prescribed to fair, fatty and flabby individuals who have a tendency to get constipation and skin conditions. A tendency to get eczema and skin ulcers, which discharge thin, sticky fluid with dry skin.Offensive foot sweat.Anaemia with redness in face.Swollen and sensitive inguinal region.Hard, swollen breasts with sore, cracked nipples.Enlarged ovaries and uterus.Swelling of the legs.Symptoms worsen at night and with warmth. Symptoms improve on wrapping the affected part.
Hydrocotyle Asiatica
Hydrocotyle asiatica is indicated in cases of elephantiasis Swelling of the affected region .Dry eruptions on the skin
Scaling of skin, exfoliation and appearance of circular red spots on the skin.The person experiences sleepiness throughout the day and keeps on yawning and stretching all the time.A feeling of tiredness in the muscles of the thighs and calves.Excessive perspiration all over.Relaxed scrotal sack with impotence .
A sensation as if there is a weight in the rectum along with burning and itchiness in the anusA feeling of dryness in the windpipe along with breathlessness
Iodine suits thin and dark-complexioned people who have enlarged lymphatic glands. It helps treat the following symptoms associated with elephantiasis.Swelling of the abdominal lymph glands.Hard and swollen testicles that later shrinkage of lymph gland.Extreme weakness and perspiration after the slightest exertion.
Hydrocele Swelling of the limbs with cold hands and feet.Dry skin that looks yellow and wrinkled Symptoms are worse when the person is sitting in a warm room and improve on going out in open air.Swollen breasts, which may shrink and become flabby later.Weight loss despite great appetite
Rhus Toxicodendron
Rhus toxicodendron is a very effective remedy for lymphatic filariasis with Symptoms are worse in cold and at night, in humid weather, and at while at rest. Symptoms get better in warm and dry weather, by applying warmth on the affected region and by moving about.Infection and inflammation of the skin
Swelling of the inguinal lymph nodes.Swollen, red, thick scrotum with dark red discolouration of the penile region along with intense itching.
Burning eruptions on skin with scaling and severe itching.Right side affected more than the left.In females, swelling and itching of the vulva