Caulophyllum, :
. Chloasma in women, especially who are having uterine troubles and menstrual disorder, weak uterus, profuse leucorrhoea, menses scanty, irregular with spasmodic pains from uterus to all directions -rheumatic pains in smaller joints.
Cadmium sulph:
Chloasma, yellowish stains on nose and cheeks, worse exposure to sun and wind.
Sepia- .
The yellow earthy complexion of Sepia is something remarkable; the yellowish – brown saddle across the bridge of the nose, and the chloasma on various parts of the skin, are characteristic of the drug. These ” liver spots.” are seated in the retie mucosum, and are probably due to assimilative debility of the trophic nerves. We see it so often associated with hysteria and ovario – uterine diseases, that this may have something to do with the cause of chloasma.
Chlorosis with chloasma-liver spots over face, cheeks or nose. Patient feels uneasiness in crowd, among strangers with sudden flushing (reddening of face) and palpitation of heart. Women patients have dreamful sleep, bearing down sensation as if every thing would pass out of the genitals - with soreness, swelling and itching of vulva. Such patients feel nausea from the smell of food. Menses irregular too early or scanty.Caulophyllum:
Chloasma, on neck. Discoloration of skin in women with menstrual and uterine disorder. Skin was hot and dry.
Formation of chloasma at the chest and back, which itch violently in the evening.
Paullinia sorbilis:
Chloasma on the temples and arms.
Thuja Occidentalis
Dry skin with brown spot. Hydrogenoid constitution. skin looks dirty. Face, pale, waxy, shiny; dark under eyes; spiderlets on.
Plumbum metallicum
Yellow, corpse like dark brown liver spots; cheeks sunken. Skin of face is greasy, shiny. Face pale cachetic.