TRIGGERS don’t exhibhit all four phases and symptoms present in each patient vary and are individual to him. Approximately one-fifth of migraine sufferers experience aura, the warning associated with migraine, prior to the headache pain while others don’t experience it.
A trigger is any stimulus that initiates an episode of migraine. A migraine episode can be precipitated by exposure or withdrawal of these triggers. These triggers are personal and vary from one migraine patient to another.
Emotions and stress: Emotional disturbances like grief, anger, stressful life, mental over exertion etc can precipitate an attack.
Alcohol : Intake of alcohol and in some patients withdrawal of alcohol might trigger an attack
Environmental factors (e.g., weather, altitude, time zone changes)
Foods that contain caffeine (e.g., coffee, chocolate), monosodium glutamate (found in Chinese food), and, processed foods like hot dogs are known to be triggers in certain individuals.
Glare or light aggravates headaches in some.
Hormonal changes in women: Many women complain of headaches either before or during menstrual periods
while others have during pregnancy or menopause.
Lack of sleep
Certain Medications
Perfume and other strong odors