The only problem with a Nocturnal emission(night fall)swapnadosh we can think of is the wet spot it leaves. Starting between the ages of 10 and 12, males begin going through the process of puberty. During this stage, teenage boys start to produce sperm and gain the ability to ejaculate. It is at this time that most males experience Nocturnal emission(night fall)swapnadoshs, sometimes even before they learn about masturbation. While sleeping, the male's genitals may rub against the bed or sheets, or he may unknowingly stimulate them himself. When this happens, the male may become so sexually aroused that he has an orgasm (even if he is not awake to enjoy it!), along with a Nocturnal emission(night fall)swapnadosh. A boy's first Nocturnal emission(night fall)swapnadosh tends to cause the most confusion and worry. Most parents don't tell their sons what orgasms and ejaculations are before hand. Therefore the first Nocturnal emission(night fall)swapnadosh is something that the adolescent boy is unfamiliar with. He may think something is wrong with his body:
“Hundred drops of sweat equals one drop of blood and hundred drops of blood equals one drop of semen” – this is one of the age-old beliefs about semen.
The commonest sexual problem of men next to impotency is “spermatorrhoea”. Spermatorrhoea is medically meant an involuntary ejaculation/drooling of semen without any sexual event/thoughts. Likewise, seminuria/spermaturia is the discharge of semen in the urine. Normally, semen gets ejaculated in spurts only at the climax/culmination of the sexual act.
Semen loss can exhaust each and every system. So, one must treat semen loss with care to avoid dangerous after-effects. Of course, the incidences of spermatorrhoea are increasing in youths in this fantasy world. The reason behind it may be a polluted mind, due to circumstances and media (books, TV, movies, Internet, etc.). This pollution has made many youths notice mucous discharges, even ejaculation, while watching erotic scenes, sometimes even while talking to glamorous girls. This weakness (incontinence) makes the mind of men miserable, since this prevalence often causes early ejaculation without any satisfied sexual activity, even with the touch of the partner.

Semen is a rich source of calcium, phosphorus, lecithin, cholesterol, nucleoproteins, iron, vitamin-E, sodium, magnesium, etc. So, excessive loss of semen will deprive our body of calcium, phosphorus, lecithin, etc. Researchers find many similarities between cerebrospinal fluid (which nourishes the brain and nervous system) and semen in constituents/composition. Also, process of ejaculation is merely compared with convulsions (nervous twitching), since during ejaculation, body jerks, neck retracts & muscle contracts violently. This process is followed by great exhaustion and complete relaxation of the muscles as in convulsions. So, wasting of semen from excessive sexual activity or masturbation may reflect in composition of cerebrospinal fluid with nourishment of brain and nerves and can also cause neuralgic complaints.