RHUS TOXICODENDRON: Hahnemann commented on the power of rhus in curing of paralysis of lower extremities , and here it has proved exceedingly useful. Paralysis caused by nervous fevers .There is much stiffness in the limbs, a dragging gait and it suits particularly chronic case.
CAUSTICUM: This remedy also has paralysis from exposure to the cold of winter. Facial paralysis caused by dry cold weather. Cowperthwaite published a large number of cases of facial paralysis cured with Causticum 30. It also has paralysis of single parts, face, tongue, pharynx etc. Other evidences of its paretic conditions are found in the aphonia and in weakness of sphincter vesicae.
GELSEMIUM: Complete motor paralysis , rather functional than organic in origin . Paralysis of ocular muscles , ptosis; the speech is thick from paretic condition of tongue . Paralysis from emotions . Aphonia paralysis of the larynx .
Paralysis , with atrophy, is the watch word of Plumbum. Wrist drop, paralysis of extensors, paralysis due to sclerosis or fatty degeneration . Heavy tongue , constipation , paralysis after apoplexy with pale dry cold skin . Tremors followed by paralysis. Paralysis agitans.
It has also proved useful in paralysis from fatty degeneration of the nerve cells , and in such cases the symptoms will point to it. Dr. Arnulphy thinks phosphorus is homoeopathic to all forms of paralysis due to degenerative processes and specially from a drain on the sexual system.
Lameness , weakness , trembling and twitching of various muscles. Feet in continued motion ; cannot keep still . convulsion with pale face Transverse pain esp. in upper extremities. soles of feet sensitive .nervous motion of feet when asleep .
Weakness of legs, trembling of limbs, twitching and jerking, yawning with uneasiness of legs. Must move them constantly. Extraordinary contraction and movements .ARGENTUM NITRICUM: Trembling with general debility. Paralysis with mental and abdominal symptoms. Rigidity in calves , walks and stands unsteadily esp. when unobserved .urine passes unconsciously day and night.