Great remedy for peyronie's disease after insect bite on penis . For skin which is sore, sensitive and stinging with rosy hue. Excellent for sudden puffing of whole body.Peyronie's disease with great swelling of the affected area along with burning and stinging pains. Cellulitis burning pains are relieved by applying something cold over skin and the pains that rapidly shifts from one part to another. For cellulitis with a rosy hue of skin with great sensitivity to touch of penis. Apis will resolve cellulitis & fibrosis is a result of honey bee sting.
For Peyronie's disease where the skin is very red and swollen with a shining appearance of external skin of penis . Peyronie's disease pain is worse by touch. The pain is appears and disappears suddenly. For peyronie's disease is dryness of skin with much heat.
Calendula Officinalis
Calendula Officinalis in Post-surgical peyronie's disease Without a doubt, the best homeopathic solution for fibrosis of penis that has come after surgical cuts is Calendula officinalis. This prescription acts productively as a corrective as well as a preventive measure for pus formation on the skin after the surgery.
Especially for patient very high sexual sexual desire unquenchable. They injured penis due to aggressive sex leads to peyronie's disease.
Great remedy for blue black swellings in severe cases of peyronie's disease. For pus filled dissecting wounds. Effective for peyronie's disease in old age. Condition better by appearance of discharge and warm applications
For peyronie's disease resulting from insect bites. Coldness of affected part with tearing type of pains. Used in long standing cases of peyronie's disease in which the skin color changes from blueness to green.
Rhus tox
Excellent remedy for Peyronie's disease and Erysipelas, where skin is intensely red and swollen. Condition aggravates in cold, wet, rainy weather and gets better by warm application.
Used when small blisters are formed on skin in advanced Peyronie's disease cases. These blisters can contain pus which is very offensive. Used when in peyronie's disease where there is fever with chilliness and offensive perspiration .