Aesculus is especially indicated for people with low back pain who also have a tendency toward venous congestion and hemorrhoids. This remedy relieves lower back aches and stiffness from overexertion or minor trauma leads to Sacroiliac Joint Dysfunction.Pain in the very low back the sacral or sacroiliac areas that feels worse when standing up from a sitting position, and worse from stooping, may be eased with this remedy.
Actaea racemosa
Actaea, only the small joints are most likely to be affected Sacroiliac Joint Dysfunction. Later she suffers from after-pains, and they are felt in the inguinal region. Rheumatic stiffness of the back and very sensitive spine.Severe aching and stiffness in the upper back and neck, as well as the lower back with pains that extend down the thighs or across the hips Sacroiliac Joint may be eased with this remedy. It is often helpful for back pain during menstrual periods, with cramping, heaviness, and soreness. A person who needs this remedy typically is talkative and energetic, becoming agitated or depressed when ill.
Bryonia is a homeopathic remedy that can be used to treat low back pain with Sacroiliac Joint Dysfunction. It is suitable when the person is in extreme, even violent pain in Sacroiliac Joint Dysfunction. The person may be worse from the slightest motion and much better from rest and hard pressure.Changing position, coughing, turning, or walking may bring on sharp, excruciating pain. This remedy can be helpful for back pain after injury and backaches during illness Sacroiliac Joint Inflammation.
Calcarea phosphorica
Chronic low back pain and muscle weakness may lead to inflammation and soreness of Sacroiliac Joint Dysfunction that are aggravated by dampness and cold.Stiffness and soreness of the spinal muscles and joints, especially in the neck and upper back, may be relieved by this remedy. The person feels worse from drafts and cold, as well as from exertion. Aching in the bones and feelings of weariness and dissatisfaction are often seen in people who need this remedy.Crawling and coldness. Buttocks, back and limbs asleep.
Fluoric Acid
Useful for the necrosis of long bones. The bones include humerus , femur and tibia & Sacroiliac Joint Dysfunction.Useful to halt the necrosis appearing in long bones lead to AVN in Sacroiliac Joint Dysfunction. There is excess body heat and the external heat worsens the condition. Rigidity in the Sacroiliac Joint lead to Sacroilitis. Pain from the nape of the neck .
Rhus toxicodendron
This remedy can be useful for pain in the neck and shoulders as well as the lower back leads to Sacroiliac Joint Dysfunction, when the pain is worse on initial movement and improves with continued motion. Even though in pain, the person finds it hard to lie down or stay still for very long, and often restlessly paces about. Aching and stiffness are aggravated in cold damp weather and relieved by warm applications, baths or showers, and massage.
Very helpful in treating Sacroiliac Joint Dysfunction leads to femur bone necrosis called AVN .Useful for bone pains that worsen at night and experienced throughout the night. There is specific pattern regarding the appearance and disappearance of pains in Sacroilitis.There is gradual increase in bone pains and in the same way, a gradual disappearance of pains. Useful when there is worsening of pains because of heat and some relief by applying cold water. There is great Craving for alcoholic stimulants and a history of excessive alcoholism may be present'
Very useful for necrosis premature death of cells of a variety of bones especially Sacroiliac Joint Dysfunction. Recommended for necrosis of jaw, wrist bones, hand bones, feet bones, ankle, knees and in addition long bones including humerus, femur due to Sacroiliac Joint Dysfunction and tibia are all the site of action for using Silicea. There is sensitivity to cold air when bone pains worsen from a slight exposure to cold air. Warmth brings relief. There is an excessive offensive odor on the feet.
Natrum Sulph
A liver remedy, especially indicated for the so-called hydrogenoid constitution, Very useful in Sacroiliac hip joint lead to AVN. Useful for pain get worse during motion or when stooping, Complaints are such as are due to living in damp houses, basements, cellars. They are worse in rainy weather, water in any form,e.t.c.