As many as one third of all men experience some form of difficulty during sexual activity, yet only a few take the step forward to seek treatment for the same. It can be embarrassing to discuss one's sexual problems with a physician but patients must understand that if this gives an effective solution in the end, it is well worth the effort.
Male sexual dysfunction Male sexual dysfunction can be described as any form of difficulty in the sexual activity that prevents the concerned man (or the couple) from experiencing satisfaction. Sexual activity can be divided into phases of excitement, plateau, orgasm and resolution and the problem can be related to any of these phases. The result can be any of the following: loss of libido, erectile dysfunction, ejaculation problems such as premature / retarded / retrograde ejaculation or absence of orgasm. The good news is that male sexual dysfunction is treatable with Homeopathy and the response is at Dr.G.S.Makkar's, we have been treating patients years now and have had good results in most cases. We strongly advocate that patients share their concerns with their partner as well as the treating physician to get the best results. In addition, it is advisable that patients take adequate steps early on because seeking timely treatment can help to prevent any complications in their personal lives due to sexual dysfunction.

The new millenium sun is rising brightly on the horizon, yet the people’s life all over the globe is sinking in the sea of despair & agony. Today’s way of fast life styles brought more stress, depression and many unexplained ailments to mankind.Modern medical science with its tremendous advances is unable to answer the uncure.
Yet Hoemopathic herbalism with its long years of existence, enlargement & experience has come up with wonderful formulations to give permanent solutions to disorders which are incurable by allopathy such as erectile dysfunction or impotency.
Impotency is the inability to perform the sexual act. In other words impotency or erectile dysfunction is the condition in which the male organ does not have the proper erection to have a satisfying sexual act (intercourse). The person loses his retention power or gets discharged without any satisfaction for him or his partner. Sometimes the penis loses the capacity of erection. It may be partial or complete, temporary or permanent. All most all men sometime or other experience erectile dysfunction. Even people with normal sexual appetite can psychologically turn themselves off with overwhelming problems. And lack of desire can strike anyone at any time and can be caused by just anything.
In a society with an orthodoxical mindset that is obsessed with sexual fitness, any inability to perform sexual acts induces feelings of despair, frustration, guilt and shame. These men labeled as impotent and are looked down as weak, powerless, lesser human beings.
A prolonged or continuous erectile dysfunction can often points to an underlying medical disorder and it needs an urgent medical advice & treatment, otherwise it will destroy one’s happy life, create rifts and tensions in the relationship between married people, leading conflicts and emotional pain thus paving way to end their lives by committing suicide.