Vertigo and headache in forehead and occiput, both worse on bending forward, vertigo, particularly on raising the head, or else on riding from a recumbent position, on stooping or moving the head, and often with the sensation of intoxication, or reeling in the head, loss of consciousness, dimness of the eyes, nausea and qualmishness at the pit of the stomach; while rising up from lying in a warm room; functional heart disease; fainting after emotional excitement.4
Vertigo attended with nausea, as is experienced when turning quickly round in a circle or when walking from a morning sleep after spending a night in revelry; dizziness relieved in the open air, aggravated in the room; fits of dizziness, both when at rest or in motion, attended with dulness of mind; accompanied with loss of consciousness and falling, with anguish and luminous vibrations before the eyes, when rising from a recumbent posture; when stooping; vertigo, with vanishing of sight, stupefaction, and debility, and a tendency to fall backward, or to the left side, epileptiform vertigo, often reflex from congestion of sexual organs or sexual organs or spinal cord.
Violent dizziness in the morning on walking, with painful dulness of the head; the head feels stupefied and intoxicated; congestion of thee blood to the head, with heat and dimness of sight; amelioration in the open air; sudden and frequent loss of sight, with a sensation of a film before the eyes; DIZZINESS AT STOOL AND AFTER IT, wITH NAUSEA; with the dizziness constant feeling of anxiety and weakness of head, skin dry and hot, constipation, with much urging from defective expulsive efforts in rectum, with redness of face.
Vertigo, with flushed, hot face and head; confused feeling in the head after eating and drinking; vertigo increased by sitting up in bed, or by the motion of a carriage; vertigo as from intoxication, with nausea and falling down without consciousness; hysterical dizziness and headache, aggravated by noise, walking, smoking or drinking coffee; whirling vertigo with nausea when sitting up in bed, forcing the resumption of recumbent position, accompanied by a peculiar dulness in forehead, as if there were a board in front of head; during the attack speech difficult, followed by difficulty in reading or thinking.
Vertigo as if he were turning in a circle, when rising from his seat; confused vision and giddiness as soon as he stops to keep his sight fixed on an object (agoraphoby), complete loss of muscular power throughout the body; vertigo on looking around as if he would fall to one side; vertigo on lying down, when turning over in bed, when going down stairs; continued stupefaction with constant inclination to sleep; (<) at night, especially when lying on left side; patient must lie perfectly quiet upon her back, as the least motion causes distressing vertigo; suppressed sexual desire or overindulgence with loss of memory and frequent seminal emissions;(<) from smallest quantity of spirituous liquors.
Staggering in walking as if intoxicated; reeling sensation and vertigo on seeing flowing water; vertigo, with sickness at the stomach in walking; momentary shock, with giddiness in the brain; hammering and throbbing headache, great palpitation of the heart and dyspnoea; bellows’ sound of the heart and anaemic murmur of the arteries and veins; vertigo, (<) when rising suddenly from a lying to a sitting position, wain walking over a bridge, or when riding in a car or carriage.
Great dizziness, everything swimming around him; his muscles feel so weak he can hardly move about; constant feeling as if the head were being suddenly pushed forward; with danger of falling, congestion to parts of brain.
Insufficiency of arterial contraction, with frequent headaches, stupefaction and falling down, vertigo, with reeling; cloudiness of the senses, the objects seems to move; he sees through a gauze; is scarcely able to keep on his feet after raising the head when stooping, on rising from one’s seat, worse in the open air; no reactive power, face pale, blue and cold.