Organic degenerations with great restlessness and despair; ulceration of duodenum, which, by extension, involves the pancreatic duct, perhaps the result of burns, of malignant disease, etc.; neuralgia of the coeliac plexus; stools undigested, containing fat.
Catarrh of the salivary ducts; peculiar odor from mouth, with but slightly coated tongue; thick, white mucus collects in mouth and throat, with constant inclination to hawk and swallow; constriction of abdomen around navel, inclination to hawk and swallow; constriction of abdomen around navel, as if a ball or lump would form.
Flat, unpleasant taste; saliva runs together in mouth like water, with tasteless belching; dull, pressing stitches below stomach; with cutting across abdomen; undigested stools with emaciation, palpitation and oppression of chest; albuminuria; bodily and mental relaxation.
Indurated pancreas; profuse, tasteless, thin saliva of sweetish, putrid odor; sensation of coldness apparently rising from the abdomen into throat and mouth; eating causes distress and burning in the stomach; long-lasting nausea after meat; vomiting; oppression in epigastrium.
Raising of a watery fluid from stomach; foul taste and offensive odor from mouth; pains deep in between stomach and abdomen; distention of stomach and abdomen; aversion to meat and fat things; to milk, which causes flatulence; plainest food disagrees; burning, light-colored, foetid stools; praecordial anguish.
Chronic duodenitis, pressure on hypochondrium produces tender pains in epigastrium and vice versa; dyspepsia, jaundice, calculi pancreatic.
TUBERCULOSIS AND FATTY DEGENERATION IN DIFFERENT ORGANS, especially of heart, liver, pancreas or kidney; distressing burning pains in coeliac axis; stools undigested, containing particles of fat or looking like cooked sago; pale, yellow face; anaemia; atrophy of pancreas with diabetes mellitus; neuralgia of coeliac; plexus; morbus Brightii.
Pain in region of coeliac plexus; sweetish taste; accumulation of sweetish saliva in mouth; empty, sweetish eructations; violent colic, abdomen drawn in to the spine; jaundice; light-colored stools; gangrene.
Offensive odor from mouth; copious salivation; satiety from small quantity of food, followed by nausea and vomiting one hour after eating, craving food afterwards; foetid flatulency; stool hard, clayey or frequent; painless, watery diarrhoea; jaundice; gall-stones.
Fatty degeneration or cancer of pancreas; suppuration of salivary glands; canine hunger with nervous, irritable persons; aversion to warm cooked food, disgust for meat; sour eructations; nausea with violent palpitations; induration of pylorus; clothing across abdomen feels too tight; stools contain undigested of pylorus; clothing across abdomen feels too tight; stools contain undigested food, with great exhaustion, but painless.
Ulceration of duodenum and pyloric end of stomach; vomiting of a white fluid; putrid eructations, pains (<) from fasting; urine deposits a muco-purulent sediment, containing albumen, phosphates, lithic acid in excess; glycosuria.