Fearing spread of psoriasis will kill more than the disease. The greatest joy for psoriasis patients is the disappearance of the rashes. The disappearance of the itch/scaly skin itself doesn’t mean the disease is waning, i.e., skin rash can be easily made to disappear with steroidal external applications which will usually mask the complaint. Likewise, suppressive immune therapy with steroid drugs will also mask the complaint, but very temporarily. Allopathic way of approach is usually against causative factor or disease. In psoriasis, since the causative factor has not been identified, the treatment is aimed at temporary management with medications and external applications. But, Homeopathy treats the symptoms of patients, ratherthan the diseases or its effects.
Homeopathic remedies work at the nanomolecular level and help the immune system to set right the misplaced defense attacks. Thus, homeopathy does not only have a long lasting effect, but a lasting cure. After a thorough consideration of the constitutional makeup of an individual, a detailed history taking of the patient’s mental as well physical preferences and characteristics, a suitable homeopathic remedy is given. The remedy is different for different patients as no two patients are same even though they are suffering from the same medical condition.
Successful management and cure with Homeopathy.Dr Makkar explain disappearance of the itch/scaly skin itself doesn’t mean the disease is waning, i.e., skin rash can be easily made to disappear with steroidal external applications which will usually mask the complaint. Likewise, suppressive immune therapy with steroid drugs will also mask the complaint, but very temporarily. Allopathic way of approach is usually against causative factor or disease. In psoriasis, since the causative factor has not been identified, the treatment is aimed at temporary management with medications and external applications. But, Homeopathy treats the symptoms of patients, ratherthan the diseases or its effects. Excellent results for one patient may have very little or no effect in another. This will make the patient feel frustrated, since he might have been referred by a patient who got better by going to the same doctor or by using the same medicines. It depends upon the patient’s symptom. Homeopathy improves the general condition of the patient to create an environment which is not favourable for the disease. Also in other systems, the medicine is selected to stop proliferation of epidermis or infection. But Homeopathy aims at saving/making the skin healthy so that there won’t be any need of production or proliferation of skin cells. It means that, if there is a need, there will be excessive production. If there is no need, automatically, excessive exfoliation or scaling gets reduced.
Homeopathy contemplates Psoriasis as an immune interceded condition instigated by faulty signals in the body’s immune system. Homeopathy can propose a curative therapy approach for Psoriasis. Homeopathic medicines are natural and safe with no probability of any side effects and treats Psoriasis without using any local ointments. The medicines work towards impeding the proliferation of skin cells which inevitably alleviates excessive scaling. Homeopathic remedies stimulate the body’s own healing potential by restoring balance of the immune system and countering the genetic predisposition. Homeopathic treatment will control the number and severity of lesions, minimize flare ups, improve your quality of life, maintain long term remission, reduce disability and in most cases bring about a permanent cure. Homeopathic remedies are gentle and easy to take, are regulated by the FDA and prepared according to the Homeopathic Pharmacopeia of the United States.