Besides some of the following ingredients, the product contains Dr Gurpreet Singh Makkar(punjab,India), Research based, highly effective medicine

Antimonium crudum
Acne in drunkards with gastric derangements, thirst and white-coated tongue, after overeating, overheating and exposure to extremes of heat and cold especially on the face. Person of sentimental mood who are disposed to grow fat, fretful, cross and peevish; cries if looked at, touched or washed. Ecstatic, dreamy, sentimental in full moon.
Asterias Rubens
Acne indurata on the face at the age of puberty. Suitable for the sycotic diathesis; flabby, lymphatic constitution, flabby with red face. Nervous disturbances. Pimples on nose, chin, mouth, Back and shoulders.
Skin dry, hot and burning. Acne rosacea. Alternate redness and paleness of the skin. Sudden and violent onset. Face is red, bluish-red, hot, swollen, and shining. Patient is restless and talks fast. Ailments after exposure to draught of air, hair cutting, in summer.
Calcarea carb
Acne indurata on head, face, stomach, abdomen, feet and leg with sour smell from them. Suitable to fair, fatty and flabby persons who are easily tired on walking, with much sweeting,cold extremities and sour smell of body, having longing for eggs and undigestable things.
Calcarea Silicata
Suitable to those patients who are weak, emaciated, cold and chilly, but worse from being overheated; sensitive generally. Skin Itching, burning, cold and blue, very sensitive. very sensitive to cold. A deep, long acting medicine for complaints which come on slowly and reach their final development after long periods.
Suitable to dark complexioned and rigid-fibred persons. Restlessness at night and faint like sinking of strength. Skin is dirty white and sallow. Acne burns with rawness and soreness. Emaciation is marked due to diseases, worry and of long standing. Acne especially on nose, around cheeks and forehead.
Heper sulph
Unhealthy skin, great sensitiveness towards cold,sweating person pulling blankets around him.Chilliness, hypersensitiveness, splinter like pains, craving for sour and strong things are very characteristic.Feeling as wind blowing on the affected part.Acne begins as papules prone to suppurate and extend.
Kali brom
Acne begins as papules prone to suppurate and extend.Pustular eruption resembling small-pox, with burning pains.Itching better from heat, worse, beer, morning,hot weather, undressing.
Acne on face. Acne in alcoholics. Itching worse from cold applications and relieved by warmth. Suitable to persons having dark complexion, tall slender, ill developed overgrown, very tall for his\ her age.
Suitable to person who cannot bear heat. Hot patients and are easily affected by heat in general, Jealous and suspicious, great loquacity, wants to talk all the time , but without any relevancy or consistency: no head or tail; jumps from one idea to another, each word leading to a different story. Acne on face. Acne in alcoholics.
Acne on forehead and cheeks, stinging when touched, crusty eruption around nose and mouth. Person who likes brandy very much. Itching worse at night, from heat of bed and by scratching but relived by cold water.
Suitable to persons who craves everything warm, intolerance of cold drinks. Desire for sweet things, warm food and drink and aversion to tobacco, bread and coffee. Acne on nose, sides of eyelids and on face with gastric derangements, flatulence and acdity.
Natrum mur
Acne in anaemic school going girls.Greasy oily skin.Acne on face Itching worse in warm room, lying down, about 10:am, at seashore,mental exertion,consolation,heat,talking,after eating salt. Amelioration in open air, by cold bathing.
Nitric acid
Acne on forehead and temples. Suitable to thin, weak and debilated persons with rigid musculature, dark complexion, black hair and eyes, with nervous and irritable temprament.
Ladies who are fair and beautiful-looking but inclined to be fleshy with fine hair and blue eyes, soft and lax muscles, anaemic and chlorotic with pale face.Full of tears, slow and indecisive.It is almost impossible for her to tell her symptoms without weeping.The patient likes open air, feels suffocated in a closed, stuffy and heated room.Wants sympathy, thirstlessness is well marked.Acne indurata .Itching in evening and at night, from warmth of bed worse by scratching.Painful soreness when grasping affected parts.
Radium brom
Acne simplex, Acne indurata, Acne vulgaris, Acne rosacea, allmost all varieties of Acne this medicine acts wonderfully, even in most difficult caseses it gives result.
She is anxious and fearful, flushes of heat over the face and head.Thinks about the evils, real or imaginary, towards the evening.The patient always has great sadness and weeping.There is also great dread of being alone, of men, of meeting friends.Indifference even to her family members.Acne on nose, cheeks and chin. Itching from exposure to cold, laundry, alcohol,tobacco, change of weather, from cold air, milk, acids, fats before thundertorm.
It is indicated in those Acnes that have been treated by medicated soaps and washes, suppresed by ointment and local medications.Dirty, filthy look of the skin, with filthy odour. There are boils and abscesses, especially in summer season,the patient does not like to be washed or bathed.There is severe itching, volvptuous itching,goes on Scratching.It feels good to scratch, but scratching is followed by severe burning, rawness and soreness of the parts.
HERBAL TIPS are idea to help people to recognize potential of homeopathic medicines.None of Homeopathic medicine should be used without consent of Qualified Physician.You can take medicine from professionally Qualified physician after full case taking for more detail please follow link .