Besides some of the following ingredients, the product contains Dr Gurpreet Singh Makkar(punjab,India), Research based, highly effective medicines
Fluoric acid-
- Alopecia, tendency to develop alopecia in family or genetic or occur after typhoid fever.
Itching of the head and falling of the hair after fevers .
Alopecia aerata,
The new hair is dry and breaks off Brittle hair.Need often combing otherwise mated together.
Idiopathic hair fall,Hair falls in spots, vertex baldness, Hair tangles easily.Buoyant attitude towards life. Extreme irritability and anger.All complaints aggravated by warmth and better by cold application etc
Phosphoric acid-
Hair fall after grief, anguish and debility especially from sides. Gnawing grief changes hair of the young to grey ; Dry, greasy and fluffy hair. Hair fall from the sides.Any sort of grief leading to hair fall or disspointed love.Takes stress easily or exhausted mentally Difficult comprehension of things.
Progressive thinning of hair leads to Early graying of hair (sometimes in childhood) lead to white hair in youngsters. Long-standing effects of mental agony and patient lives in the state of shock for long
Extreme debility. Craves juicy things.Loss of vital fluids
Hair fall after mental emotion or sickness. Round patches on scalp completely deprived of hair ; falling off the hair in large bunches on the tufts, occiput, forehead and on the sides above the ears ; they roots of the hair seems to be dry ; the denuded scalp looks clear white and smooth ; dandruff copious, falls out in clouds. Itching of the scalp.Patchy baldnessDryness of hair and scalp, itchy scalp, dandruff.Hair fall in handfuls while combing.Alopecia aerata.Frontal baldness.Weakness with excess emotional vulnerability and impressionability.Extremely sympathetic persons who go out-of-the-way to help others.Thin physique, long fingers, high cheek bones.Hair fall after any hemorrhagic disorder.Scurvy.Fearful when alone.Better in company
Plica polinica-hair matted together.Hair fall on sides.Patchy baldness.Itchy, humid eruptions on scalp that emit odor.Chilly, fat patient with tendency to develop one or the other skin problems .Constipation associated with hair fallChilly, fat patient with tendency to develop one or the other skin problems.Menopausal hair fall
Hair fall in handfuls. Curly hair. Hair sticks together. Thick leathery crusts under which pus collects. White scabs and dandruff. hair stick together.Hair fall in handfuls crusty eruptions on scalp leading to hair fall. Itchy scalp, dandruff you can easily spot from 10 metres.Psoriasis affecting scalp leading to hair fall sensitive to cold air, skin rashes, eruptions, crusts below which is yellow purulent matter
Baldness menopausal due to hormonal deficiency .Irritability increased, with snappish attitude.Hair fall after delivery of the child with mental depression, leading to indifference later on.Pimply eruptions near the hairline on forehead.Hair pains when touched because of extremely sensitive hair roots
Selenium metallicum
Hair falls off when combing ; also of eyebrows, whiskers, vertex, eyelashes and genitals ; tingling, itching on scalp, which feels tense and contracted. Does not want hair touched.
Baldness in young people with enlarge head Mild types nature. Hair fall in frontal and forehead region.Early graying of hair.Chilly with excessively sweaty cold palms.Fixed ideas, highly impressionable.Nervous and anxious disposition
Hair fall after parturition. Hair fall from occiput and eyelashes. Dandruff, hair dry, falling off, scalp sore to touch, itching violently agg. when getting warm in bed and washing. Hair grey, offensive, dry, cold and hard.
Homeopathic Herbal Tips are idea to help people to recognize potential of homeopathic medicines.None of Homeopathic medicine should be used without consent of Qualified Physician.You can take medicine from professionally Qualified physician after full case taking for more detail please follow link .