Allium cepa: Allium Cepa is one of the most commonly used Homeopathic medicines for Allergic Rhinitis or Hay Fever. It is generally used in the symptoms of severe runny nose that drips from the tip of nose with watery eyes. There is burning of nose due to over secretion mucous. Along with the watery nasal discharge there is watery eye. There is profuse sneezing associated with runny nose and watery eyes.
Arsenic alb - There is thin watery discharge from the nose with burning sensation, recurrent sneezing one after another with runny nose. Burning and tearing of eyes . There is puffiness around eyes, stuffy nose. The person has an asthmatic tendency with breathing difficulties, and oppression of chest which is generally worse when he lies down. On sitting with a forward bending posture makes the patient little comfort from his asthmatic problem. There is marked wheezing sound during asthmatic affection. The asthma is worse in wet cold weather. Besides that the constitutional symptoms of arsenic alb are anxiety, restlessness, prostration, burning sensation. The anxiety that is found in Arsenic alb is intermingled with fear. The other prominent symptoms are debility, exhaustion, restlessness, with nightly aggravation. Great exhaustion after a slightest exertion.
Natrum mur – Natrum mur is generally well indicated in case of allergic condition which gives the symptoms of more itching of nose, throat, ear with recurrent sneezing one after another. The characteristic discharge from the mucous membranes is watery or thick whitish, like the white of an egg. Natrum mur patient is very sensitive in nature. Every thing he/she takes into the heart. The person is irritable in nature and when in upset does not like any body’s present or giving of any consolation. Consolation aggravated the state of the mind - the melancholy, the tearfulness, sometimes brings on anger. The Natrum mur patient is extremely emotional. The whole nervous economy is in a state of fret (visible anxious like scratching finger on her skin in worry). Completely or desperately in love brings on complaints. The natrum mur patient desire to take extra salt in his diet.
Sabadilla- it has good action on mucous membrane of the nose and the lachrymal glands, producing coryza and symptoms like hay-fever. There is spasmodic sneezing one after another. symptoms of hay-fever or allergic rhinitis with itchy nose and fluent coryza. Either nostril stuffed up, inspiration through nose labored, snoring. Violent sneezing is occurred from time to time, shaking abdomen followed by lachrymation. There is runny nose with severe frontal headache and redness of eyelids.
Sulphur – There is itching with redness of eyes in allergic condition. The itching is followed by burning sensation and relieved by cold application. sulphur patient is always irritable, depressed, thin and weak, but good appetite. He is having forgetful nature, difficulties in thinking. He has many good ideas but cannot implement it. Selfish type person, no regards for others. very lazy person, not cleanness, never look after about his dressing and clothing. Don’t like to take bath. Having of skin diseases always. The skin rashes itch a lot generally in night and warm atmosphere. The person has a feeling congestion or oppression of chest in asthmatic condition.