Besides some of the following ingredients, the product contains Dr Gurpreet Singh Makkar(punjab,India), Research based, highly effective medicines.
Aesculus hippocastanum- is a frequently indicated remedy in piles. There is intense dryness and heat of rectum, sensation of knife like pain, as if full of small sticks, excessive burning in anus. But the main characteristic is that the piles are mostly non bleeding. There is severe backache and extremely irritability which is almost always associated.·
Aloe socotrina- an wonderful remedy in plies, where the haemorrhoids look like a bunch of grapes(also Muriatic acid), there is constant bearing down sensation, profuse bleeding , sore pain and heat which is relieved by cold water. There is intense itching and burning in anus which prevents sleep. Along with this other peculiar features of aloe like, poor sphincter control, excessive gas and stomach pain, diarrhea are to be searched.·
Collinsonia Canadensis – is an excellent medicine for piles in women. Haemorrhoids arising in latter months of pregnancy or delivery. Piles are chronic, painful and bleeding. It is associated with palpitation which often alternates with piles.·
Hamamelis verginica – medicine most frequently comes in mind when the bleeding is excessive. There is burning, soreness, heaviness, anus feels raw, of bluish appearance and there is backache. There is tendency to haemorrhage from other orifices as well.·
Muriatic acid – piles in persons with great debility who become extremely exhausted from every attempt at stool. Haemorrhoids blue, swollen, extremely painful and sensitive. So sensitive and sore that even least touch of sheet is uncomfortable. Advance cases where prolapse is easy, even when trying to urinate. There is involuntary passage of stool when patient urinates.·
Nitric acid – though usually used for piles, it is more popular when it is associated with fissure, as there is intense pain after stool, so painful so as to prevent sitting in chair. Strong smelling urine, peculiar mental irritability and night aggravation are to be matched always. It is a deep acting remedy in fact.·
Nux vomica – almost exclusively effective for all kinds of piles. Overall Nux picture like the peculiar careless and high life style, lot of addictions, gastric troubles and excessive irritability are enough to select the remedy.
Thuja occidentalis – another useful medicine indicated in cases where there is swollen pile with fissure and excessive pain on sitting. Anus is often surrounded by flat warts.Besides medicine, a healthy lifestyle, lot of fibres in diet and minimum spices along with regular warm water bath will help patient a lot. More over one important line for all patients is that “Never strain at stool to clear your bowel”.
Homeopathic Herbal Tips are idea to help people to recognize potential of homeopathic medicines.None of Homeopathic medicine should be used without consent of Qualified Physician.You can take medicine from professionally Qualified physician after full case taking for more detail please follow link .