Synthesis Repretory Rubrics
adeps-s. aegle-m. agar. allox. alum. alum-p. alum-sil. am-c. ambr. ant-t. Apis ars. Aur. aur-m-n. bar-c. bar-ox-suc. bor-ac. bry. cain. calc. calc-f. Calc-pic. CARBN-S. carc. caust. Chel. coch. colch. CON. cortiso. cupr. cypr. Dig. dulc. dys. elaps Euphr. fago. Ferr. ferr-p. gaert. GRAPH. hep. Jug-c. Jug-r. kali-br. kali-p. kola kreos. lac-f. lach. lap-a. lappa LYC. m-aust. mand. med. meny. Merc. morg-g. morg-p. nat-m. osteo-a. petr. Ph-ac. phos. pic-ac. Psor. PULS. Rhus-t. sacch-l. sanguis-s. seneg. SEP. Sil. sol-o. stann. STAPH. staphycoc. sulfa. sulfonam. SULPH. Thuj. tub. uran-n. valer. viol-o. zinc. ziz.
EYE - STYES - right eye
am-c. cupr. cypr. dulc. ferr-p. musca-d. Nat-m. tub.
EYE - STYES - left eye
Bar-c. colch. elaps hydr. Hyper. kola nept-m. sanguis-s. staph. sulph.
EYE - STYES - accompanied by - red discoloration of eyes
EYE - STYES - accompanied by - Face; swelling of
EYE - STYES - appearing gradually
EYE - STYES - chronic
lappa psor. pyrog.
EYE - STYES - closing the eyes agg.
EYE - STYES - crops
anthraci. lappa
EYE - STYES - eating fat, greasy, rich food or pork
puls. staph.
EYE - STYES - induration from
Calc. Con. SEP. Sil. STAPH. Thuj.
EYE - STYES - infected
EYE - STYES - light; from
EYE - STYES - light; from - agg.
EYE - STYES - light; from - artificial light
EYE - STYES - motion agg.
EYE - STYES - rubbing - amel.
EYE - STYES - Canthi - Inner
aur-ar. bar-c. NAT-M. stann. sulph.
EYE - STYES - Canthi - Inner - right
EYE - STYES - Canthi - Inner - toward
kali-c. Lach. Lyc. NAT-M. petr. puls. sil.
EYE - STYES - Canthi - Outer
EYE - STYES - Canthi - Outer - sensation of a stye in left
carc. cortiso. lyc. pyrog. staphycoc.
EYE - STYES - Lid - left
EYE - STYES - Lid - Lower
Apis Bry. Colch. cypr. Dig. elaps Ferr. ferr-p. Graph. Hyper. kali-p. kola ozone Phos. puls. Rhus-t. seneg. Sep.
EYE - STYES - Lid - Lower - right
ferr-p. flor-p.
EYE - STYES - Lid - Lower - left
caust. glycyr-g. sulfa. sulph.
EYE - STYES - Lid - Upper
alum. am-c. bell. caust. dulc. ferr. merc. petr-ra. Ph-ac. PULS. pyrog. staph. sulph.
EYE - STYES - Lid - Upper - right
bell. cassia-s.
EYE - STYES - Lid - Upper - left
cassia-s. osteo-a.
GENERALS - HISTORY; personal - eyes - recurrent styes on the; of
alum. anthraci. apis calc-f. carbn-s. carc. Con. ferr-py. Graph. kola med. Psor. puls. Sil. staph. SULPH. tub.
Murphy Repretory Rubrics
Diseases - STYES, eyelids
agar. alum. am-c. ant-t. Apis ars. Aur. bry. cain. calc-f. CARBN-S. carc. caust. Chel. colch. CON. cupr. dys. elaps ferr. ferr-p. GRAPH. hep. Jug-c. kali-p. lappa LYC. m-aust. meny. Merc. morg. morg-g. nat-m. Ph-ac. phos. Psor. PULS. pyrog. Rhus-t. seneg. SEP. Sil. skook. stann. STAPH. SULPH. Thuj. tub. upa. uran-n. valer.
Eyes - STYES, eyelids
agar. alum. am-c. ant-t. Apis ars. Aur. bry. cain. calc-f. CARBN-S. carc. caust. Chel. colch. CON. cupr. dys. elaps ferr. ferr-p. GRAPH. hep. Jug-c. kali-p. lappa LYC. m-aust. meny. Merc. morg. morg-g. nat-m. Ph-ac. phos. Psor. PULS. pyrog. Rhus-t. seneg. SEP. Sil. skook. stann. STAPH. SULPH. Thuj. tub. upa. uran-n. valer.
Eyes - STYES, eyelids - induration from
Calc. Con. SEP. Sil. STAPH. Thuj.
Eyes - STYES, eyelids - left
Bar-c. colch. elaps hydr. Hyper. staph. sulph.
Eyes - STYES, eyelids - recurrent
alum. calc-f. carbn-s. Con. Graph. Psor. Sil. skook. STAPH. SULPH. thuj. tub.
Eyes - STYES, eyelids - rheumatism, following attack of
Eyes - STYES, eyelids - right
am-c. cupr. cypr. ferr-p. Nat-m.
Eyes - STYES, eyelids - styes, canthi, inner
bar-c. Nat-m. stann. sulph.
Eyes - STYES, eyelids - styes, canthi, inner - inner, toward
kali-c. Lach. Lyc. Nat-m. petr. puls. sil.
Eyes - STYES, eyelids - styes, canthi, inner - outer
Eyes - STYES, eyelids - styes, lower lids
Colch. cupr. elaps ferr-p. Graph. Hyper. kali-p. Phos. puls. Rhus-t. seneg. thuj.
Eyes - STYES, eyelids - styes, upper lid
alum. am-c. bell. ferr. merc. Ph-ac. PULS. staph. sulph. thuj. tub.
Eyes - STYES, eyelids - styes, upper lid - left, and edema of lower lids
Eyes - TUMORS, on eyelids
aur. Calc. caust. Con. graph. Hep. hydrc. kali-bi. lyc. Nat-m. Nit-ac. Phos. Puls. Sil. Staph. sulph. teucr. Thuj.
Eyes - TUMORS, on eyelids - cystic
Benz-ac. Calc. Calc-f. Graph. iod. kali-i. Merc. morg. nit-ac. platan. Sil. staph. thuj.
Eyes - TUMORS, on eyelids - meibomian glands
bad. prot. STAPH. Thuj.
Eyes - TUMORS, on eyelids - nodules in the lids
Con. Sil. STAPH. Thuj.
Eyes - TUMORS, on eyelids - right, lower
Eyes - TUMORS, on eyelids - right, lower - upper
Eyes - TUMORS, on eyelids - sarcoma
iod. Phos.
Eyes - TUMORS, on eyelids - sarcoma - conjunctiva, of
Eyes - TUMORS, on eyelids - tarsal tumors
ant-t. bar-c. calc. caust. con. Kali-i. platan. Puls. Sep. Sil. Staph. Thuj. ZINC.
Eyes - TUMORS, on eyelids - tarsal tumors - recurrent
CALC-F. Puls. Staph.
Eyes - TUMORS, on eyelids - tarsal tumors - repeated styes, after
Murphy Repretory Rubrics
EYES - Eyelids and margins - Eruptions - Styes
agar. apis aur-m-n. Calc-pic. con. Graph. Hep. lyc. merc. Puls. Sep. Sil. Staph. Sulph. thuj. uran-n.
EYES - Eyelids and margins - Eruptions - Styes, followed by hard nodosities
con. staph. thuj.
EYES - Eyelids and margins - Eruptions - Chalazae, tarsal tumors
ant-t. calc. caust. Con. ferr-py. Kali-i. platan-oc. sil. Staph. Thuj. zinc.
EYES - Eyelids and margins - Eruptions - Cysts, sebaceous
Benz-ac. calc. Calc-f. iod. Kali-i. merc. platan-oc. Staph.